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The New Fiera di Roma Project


On a biggest total area of 900,000m2 the new expo hub extends across a site area of 390,000m2, 30,000m2 of wich public green, 150,000m2 for covered exhibit and management centre area, 70,000m2 of exhibit area.  All of the single-storey, rectangular exhibition halls are fully cabled and air-conditioned. Moreover, maximum freedom of distribution and movement is guaranteed by the fact that the pillars are located at the edges only, not within the exhibition space itself. All of the halls are made using lowered-arch reticular beams with a net span of 72.60m a span achieved by the alignment of three-dimensional arches supported at the edges by two reticular beams, which themselves sit on cement columns thanks to the use of a sophisticated attachment system. Each of the 14 pavillons is made up with a maximum peak height of 16mt. (layout dimensions: 72mt. transversal; 96, 120 and 144mt. longitudinal) divided into 3 types they are all accessible by commercial and industrial vehicles for loading/unloading materials and goods. The 礎ackboneof the expo district is provided by a 1.3 km-long mechanised walkway, which is raised 6m above ground and not only serves as a pedestrian walkway but also links the various halls up with each other. This effective solution allows visitors to a particular event to move through the complex without coming into contact with the service machinery being used to stage another event at the same time. The walkway can be accessed by escalators, staircases and lifts for the disabled, and also via the entrances located at the main points of the hub (North - Main - South, East and West), all of which are located in the vicinity of parking facilities. With 200,000m2 of indoor floor space and 275,000m2 of external space, these car parks have room for a total of around 21,000 cars. Exhibitors have their own dedicated parking areas. A 3000m2 Management Centre, made from steel and glass, is located in the middle of the site, breaking up the series of exhibition halls. The complex is already equipped with a comprehensive range of exhibitor and visitor services, including three restaurants, fourteen permanent bars, fourteen temporary bars, banking facilities and internet workstations. In addition, exhibitors can make use of the three complementary Services buildings, which house around 21 conference rooms (each with between 40 and 150 seats), as well as dedicated areas for organisational, administrative and technical services. 4,000 hotel rooms are available in the immediate vicinity.

The Fiera di Roma Solar Plant


Using new technology solutions Fiera di Roma and Green Utility Spa have installated the largest photovoltaic system in Thin Films in the world, covering approximately 38,000 square feet of roofs of the halls of the new Fiera di Roma.


In addition to produce 1.7 million kWh/year, equivalent to annual electricity consumption of over 600 families, for an investment of about Eur 12 million, the plant will prevent the emission into the atmosphere of 1200 tonnes / year of CO2 .


This is possible thanks to the use of a particular type of known as THIN FILM ", which thanks to its flexibility and weight compared to traditional photovoltaic panels, has made possible the realization of a photovoltaic system fully integrated with the innovative architecture of Fiera di Roma.


There is currently a plan to finish surfacing all of the remaining pavillons’ roofs, ones complete this will provide about 4 Mw of total power installed.



SEM è il primo sistema integrato italiano di mobilità a energia rinnovabile.
Con la realizzazione di questo progetto, l’energia elettrica prodotta dalle coperture fotovoltaiche poste sui padiglioni di Fiera Roma, è immessa nella rete elettrica nazionale e, contestualmente, alimenta le colonnine di ricarica che riforniscono le auto e le biciclette elettriche. Realizzazione da Green Utility in sinergia con Fiera Roma e Investimenti Spa, il sistema consente di raggiungere e superare, ben prima del 2020, l’obiettivo del 20% di produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili e una riduzione di emissioni di CO2 pari a 1.400.000 kg annui pari al consumo elettrico di circa 1.000 famiglie, diventando uno dei poli fieristici all’avanguardia in Europa dal punto di vista della sostenibilità.

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